Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Fuze Meeting Application Now Available for Free Download on the App Store

Online and Mobile Meeting Service Lets Users See HD Video and Share Their Desktop From the iPhone

Webcasting On-the-Fly to be Launched By Onstream at InfoComm 09

Webcasting is taking shape as one of the seminal killer apps of this decade, and Onstream Media is taking the powerful online broadcasting medium a step further with the launch of its new self-administering, on-the-fly webcasting solution called iEncode.

Web Conferencing is the New "Face Time" DoConference is the New Face

Web based, or virtual meetings, are changing the way companies communicate. As travel costs rise in a slowing economy, many are looking for ways to reduce conventional travel, lower operating expenses, and reduce their carbon footprint. Rescott LLCs new DoConference web conferencing platform meets the needs of the business and education market with an easy to use but feature-rich platform.

Cisco WebEx Meeting Center for iPhone

Recent update resolves earlier limitations for mobile WebEx client
By Dale Gardner on