Wednesday, August 22, 2007

IBM Launches Family of Unified Communications and Collaboration Software

Today at the VoiceCon 2007 conference, IBM unveiled the next phase of its unified communication and collaboration (UC2) strategy by expanding its IBM Lotus Sametime software into a product family that will include new telephony integration software.

IBM Acquires WebDialogs to Expand Web Conferencing Capabilities in Industry-Leading Lotus Sametime

IBM today announced it has acquired WebDialogs, Inc., a Billerica, Massachusetts-based, privately held provider of Web conferencing and communications services, with more than 500,000 users worldwide.

13 New Web-conferencing Solutions Tested by Vendor-independent Portal, the vendor-independent Website to test and review collaboration and online-meeting tools, has put a further thirteen products through their paces.

Microsoft Sets Launch Date For Voice And Video Software

Bill Gates and Jeff Raikes will help introduce Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, Office Communicator 2007, and Microsoft Live Meeting. By Paul McDougall in InformationWeek

Microsoft Sets Date to Launch Next Generation of Unified Communications Software

A webcast with Microsoft Corp. executives to highlight the general availability of Microsoft® Office Communications Server 2007, Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 and Microsoft Office Live Meeting, part of Microsoft’s unified communications portfolio, which also includes Microsoft Exchange Server 2007